Kremlin denies reports of Chinese President Xi refusing to visit Russia

Kremlin denies reports of Chinese President Xi refusing to visit Russia

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Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has denied media reports showing that Chinese President Xi Jinping refused to visit Russia.

This is not true. This is completely untrue. The fact is that certain covid restrictions in China continue, and this is truly normal, and this must be treated with understanding,” said RT Peskov.And because all relaxation of this restriction is possible, of course, all visits will be made,” he said.

Previously, the media reported that the Chinese President refused to visit Moscow in response to the invitation of his Russian colleague Vladimir Putin.As reported, Russian leaders invited XI during a telephone call on June 15.

Peskov said that the Ministry of National Defense had its own plans in connection with the launch of the Finnish and Sweden process joined NATO.

Such options are being worked on not in Kremlin, but in the ministry. We have said many times that there are relevant plans there and work is being carried out to ensure our safety,” Peskov said.

Thus, he answered the question whether Kremlin was considering the option to place the NATO base on the border with Russia and how Moscow could respond in this regard.

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