Grim Reminder of Taliban Past: Seven Afghan Men Flogged on ‘First Such’ Supreme Court Order
The Taliban authorities whipped seven men on Wednesday for crime including selling and consuming alcohol, said an official – the first sentence given by the Afghan court because the Muslims hard in seizing power.
Cambukan is a gloomy reminder of the hard sentence given by the Taliban during their first regime between 1996 and 2001. Seven defendants have recognized their crime and sentenced to 35 eyelashes, the Supreme Court said in a statement.
The sentence was carried out today” in the capital, the Supreme Court Officer Abdul Basir Mashal told AFP. “This is the first time the court issued such an order according to sharia law since Islamic Emirates were formed in Afghanistan,” he said.
The Taliban warrior is reported to have carried out a bridge without a court order since taking power, according to the social media post that cannot be verified independently. The seven men were charged in separate cases because of violations such as selling and consuming alcohol, and stealing cars, a court statement said.
During their first term of office, the Taliban gained fame because of their strict interpretation of sharia law which even punished small crimes with the brush and execution of the public. The verdict at that time was very hard for women, with those who violated the rules that suffer from humiliation and public beating by the Religious Police who were feared by the regime.
The Taliban has also carried out public executions, cuts the hands and feet of the thief, and women are stoned accused of adultery. When they took power last year, they promised a softer version than their previous rules, but insisted it would still be guided by sharia law.
Over the past eight months, the Taliban has taken action against some of the freedoms enjoyed by women for 20 years under the previous supported government. Women have been effectively closed from most government work, and are ordered to dress according to the strict interpretation of the Taliban about the Koran.
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